Crown Chakra - Consciousness
We complete our exploration of the Chakras at the top of our head - The Crown Chakra.
This energy space rests at the culmination of all of the work we’ve done to clear and align each of the lower level chakras.
Third Eye Chakra - Intuition and Alchemy
When I was about 20 years old I went to see a therapist and she told me “you have really strong intuition but you seem to rarely listen to it”.
Throat Chakra - Self Expression
As we move into the higher chakras it should be becoming increasingly clear why it’s important to balance, heal, and align the lower level chakras, and why practices like yoga - which provide us an opportunity for self inquiry and deeper self awareness- are so essential.
Heart Chakra - Love
I wasn’t raised religious at all, but when I was young I was always intrigued by religion, and had an attraction to the spiritual world.
Heart Chakra - Healing
The Heart Chakra serves as a doorway between our physical and tangible experience of life, and our spiritual sense of self.
Solar Plexus Chakra - Willpower
We now move from the watery, receptive, feminine energy of the Sacral Chakra, to the source of our personal power and masculine strength - The Solar Plexus Chakra.
Sacral Chakra - Flow & Creativity
As we continue to work through the emotional waters of the Sacral Chakra we can begin to see how releasing blocked energy creates space for new energy to flow in.
Sacral Chakra - Flow & Release
As we move through our physical practice we are given the opportunity to recognize the ways in which we flow through movement. Transitions between each position are as powerful, important, and impactful as the asanas themselves.
Root Chakra - Foundations
We continue our work with the Root Chakra this week. After exploring what we truly value, and what makes up the core of who we are - and then beginning to identify the things that pull us from our center and away from our alignment, we now turn to practices of self awareness and the journey inward towards deeper self understanding.
Root Chakra - Grounding
When we seek to find balance in the physical practice, much of our ability to maintain the posture comes from our foundation - how stable the connection is between our body and the Earth.
The Muladhara chakra, or the root chakra, is located at the base of the spine and controls your ability to trust yourself, and the way that you respond to fear- it’s basically your fight or flight response to things. This is the foundation that the rest of your chakras, and your practice, are rooted in.