Solar Plexus Chakra - Willpower

We now move from the watery, receptive, feminine energy of the Sacral Chakra, to the source of our personal power and masculine strength - The Solar Plexus Chakra.

We draw this energy from our core, and when we think about our physical practice we can see where having a strong foundation through our center, is really what allows us to build towards more advanced and intricate balances and inversions.

This energy is ruled by the element of fire, and when it is balanced and aligned we are able to actualize our goals effectively, develop discipline, and foster personal growth and expansion.

When this fire has gone out within us we often feel unworthy, incapable, weak, and unmotivated.

We balance these energies by acknowledging the relationship between the masculine and feminine aspects within ourselves.

If we are always in go go go mode and neglect the part of ourselves that holds space for rest and integration, we can easily burn out, and have a hard tome maintain consistency and producing anything with longevity.

Conversely, If we are always in rest, contemplation, and observation mode very little is accomplished and we struggle to move ourselves forward.

To explore this energy, ask yourself what do you feel the most committed to in your life? What fills you with excitement and passion to the point that you are willing to develop a disciplined practice in order to improve and expand upon it?


Heart Chakra - Healing


Sacral Chakra - Flow & Creativity