Heart Chakra - Healing

The Heart Chakra - Healing

The Heart Chakra serves as a doorway between our physical and tangible experience of life, and our spiritual sense of self.

In order to feel expansive, open, and free in our hearts we must first do the work to heal all the barriers and restrictions we’ve built to protect ourselves.

The heart chakra is connected to the element of air, and in our practice it is deeply connected to our prana - the breath as life force energy.

Connecting with the breath is one of the most foundational aspects of any yoga practice.

Through awareness of the breath we ground ourselves in the present. Through the breath we teach ourselves balance, and rhythm - each breath provides an opportunity for a simple acknowledgment, and gratitude for the miracle of being alive.

Our yoga practice provides us the opportunity to treat ourselves with loving kindness. It teaches us to hold the space for our feelings, our discomfort, our fears - and to get to know ourselves on a deeply personal and spiritual level.

Through our practice we have the opportunity to learn how to move in ways that feel good to us. We give ourselves the permission to show up for something that brings us joy, and doesn’t need any further explanation or purpose beyond that.

Part of our practice is learning to bring mindfulness to the ways in which we restrict ourselves from being in the flow of loving, heart centered energy. One of the ways we do this is by examining the judgements that we hold towards ourselves and others.

To explore this energy space - write down something that you hold a very strong judgement around - a belief that you grip onto really tightly (whether about yourself or others) see if you can then imagine as though you were objectively looking at this judgement from the outside, and detaching yourself from the belief. Ask yourself is this really true? Who would I be if I allowed myself to let go of this belief? What other perspectives are there, that could possibly be more loving and compassionate? Can I forgive? Can I allow myself to let go?


Heart Chakra - Love


Solar Plexus Chakra - Willpower