Throat Chakra - Self Expression
The Throat Chakra - Self Expression
As we move into the higher chakras it should be becoming increasingly clear why it’s important to balance, heal, and align the lower level chakras, and why practices like yoga - which provide us an opportunity for self inquiry and deeper self awareness- are so essential.
The energy of the Throat Chakra, represents the way we express ourselves to the world. It is equal parts courage and discernment, confidence and receptivity.
This energy space is where we learn to honor and speak our truth. First to ourselves, and then through conscious and aligned actions, we begin to live in accordance with our integrity and what we value.
When this Chakra is out of balance we can be mean, hurtful, manipulative, inconsiderate - we often speak before we think of the consequences. It can also leave us timid, afraid, and open to allowing others to push us around.
If we can not effectively connect with our own personal truth and lack the confidence to express it - we usually have a lack of personal boundaries. Boundaries are so important to protect our energy from being drained by things that do not serve us.
So how do we balance the power of our intellect with the grace of our heart?
By recognizing that our ability to be a powerful and effective communicator relies on our ability to be a considerate and thoughtful listener.
To explore this energy in more depth, I’d like you to focus on one of the 7 most common defense mechanisms that people exhibit - projection. When we project, we misattribute our own undesired thoughts, feelings, or impulses onto another person.
This behavior is usually unconscious, and occurs because of our own blocks around self honesty and personal responsibility. Are you willing to explore the ways you may have used this defense mechanism in the past? How can you take personal accountability and responsibility for yourself moving forward?